
slotrush| What does it mean to have a stock holding order: The role of holding orders in stock trading


In the stock market, investors often refer to the concept of "orders". So, what exactly does it mean to have a stock holding order, and what does it play in stock trading?slotrushWhat about the role? Next, let's discuss the mystery of the order in depth.

Definition and composition of order

A consignment refers to that in stock trading, the seller entrusts a securities company to sell a certain number of stocks at a certain price or better, while the buyer buys a certain number of stocks at a certain price or better. In short, an order is a form of order that an investor entrusts a securities company to buy and sell stocks at a specified price and quantity.

The difference between an order receipt and a market order

slotrush| What does it mean to have a stock holding order: The role of holding orders in stock trading

Order holding market price orders are traded at the specified price or better. There is a lower limit on the transaction price according to the best price in the current market. Prices may fluctuate greatly and the risk is higher. The transaction may not be immediately, depending on market price fluctuations. The transaction is completed quickly and almost immediately.

The importance of supporting orders

In the stock market, orders have the following important roles:

Price protection: By setting the price of the order, investors can achieve price protection and prevent losses caused by excessive market fluctuations. Trading autonomy: Orders holding allows investors to flexibly set buying and selling prices based on their own judgments and needs, improving trading autonomy. Reduce slip risk: Slip point refers to the difference between the actual transaction price and the order price. Orders can effectively reduce the risk of slippage caused by market fluctuations. Increase transaction rate: By setting orders, investors can increase the probability of trading within a specific price range, thereby improving investment efficiency.

Application of order holding strategy

In actual stock trading, investors can use the following order holding strategies according to different situations:

Stop loss orders: When the stock price falls, sell the stock in time by setting a stop loss order to avoid further expansion of losses. Take profit orders: When the stock price rises, set up a take profit order to lock in the income and avoid missing the opportunity to sell due to greed. Batch orders: Divide funds into several parts and set orders according to different prices to diversify risks and achieve stable investment. Tracking stop orders: Gradually increase stop loss prices as the stock price rises to protect existing gains.

Through the above introduction, I believe you have a deeper understanding of orders in the stock market. In actual stock trading, the reasonable use of the order-holding strategy can effectively improve the safety and return rate of investment.