
pokertools| Fosun Pharma will hold a shareholders 'meeting on June 26 to review a total of 3 proposals


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pokertools| Fosun Pharma will hold a shareholders 'meeting on June 26 to review a total of 3 proposals

Financial community news on May 24pokertools, Fosun Pharma announced that the first extraordinary shareholders meeting will be held on June 26, 2024, and online voting will be held on the same day. The equity registration date is June 20. Investors holding Fosun Pharma shares after the close of trading on that day can participate in voting.

Conference venue: Shanghai Tianxi Jiafupu Tike Hotel, No. 358 Hongxu Road, Shanghai City.

A total of 3 proposals were audited at this shareholders 'meeting, as follows:

1. Proposal on general authorization to repurchase H shares of the company

2. Proposal on general authorization to repurchase A shares of the company

3. Proposal on amending the Articles of Association of Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd. and its annexes.