
funrewardcoinmaster| European Central Bank Governing Council Vasle: June is the right time to cut interest rates and be open to subsequent actions


European Central Bank Governing Council Bostjan Vasle said that next month may be the right time to start cutting interest rates and he is open to subsequent actions.

The Slovenia central bank governor said in an interview on Friday that while the labor market remains "very strong," wage dynamics have not been excessive and inflation data is in line with expectations. He said he was "satisfied" with the ECB's current reliance on data.

"Unless there is a major accident, June is a reasonable and realistic time to cut interest rates, butfunrewardcoinmasterI can't say what will happen after that,"Vasle said in the Slovenia city of Portoroz." I'm open to different possibilities, but I want to wait for more information."

"I really follow what's happening in the United States," Vasle said."While our mission is to respond to what's happening in Europe, we are not isolated."

funrewardcoinmaster| European Central Bank Governing Council Vasle: June is the right time to cut interest rates and be open to subsequent actions

"The worst quarters of the economy are behind us," Vasle said."It looks like growth will be better than we expected this year."