


May 3GunsbetcasinoFor some time, some national officials and media have wantonly accused China of "overcapacity" of new energy products, paving the way for unilateralism and trade protection policies, according to the official Wechat account of the National Development and Reform Commission. In fact, no matter from the perspective of international division of labor, global supply and demand or market laws, the so-called "overcapacity" of China's new energy products is only a topic trap carefully concocted by some countries, trying to implement trade protection measures on this grounds. The result not only can not benefit itself, but will destroy the stability and smooth flow of the global industrial chain supply chain, damage the world economy and trade growth, and drag down the pace of green transformation of the global economy.

First, it is difficult to argue the so-called "overcapacity" of China's new energy products.

The accusation of "overcapacity" of China's new energy products is neither in line with objective facts nor with economic laws.

First, we should respect the basic law of division of labor and cooperation among international industries. There is a view that the "excess capacity" of China's new energy products is difficult to digest at home and can only be sold to the world at low prices. In fact, countries form comparative advantages in different industrial fields according to factor endowments and development paths, and the exchange of related products through cross-border trade is the reality of international economic division of labor and cooperation. 80 per cent of US high-end chips are exported, the US is the world's largest exporter of liquefied natural gas, and 1/5 of its agricultural products are sold to China, while the US has not been accused of "excess capacity". In terms of the proportion of export, China's new energy products mainly meet domestic demand, and China's new energy vehicle exports account for only 12% of the total output in 2023.Gunsbetcasino.5%.

Second, we should look at the relationship between global supply and demand from the perspective of development. There is a view that the scale of China's new energy product capacity has exceeded the global market demand, and the rest of the world simply cannot absorb this capacity. In fact, according to estimates by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the global demand for new energy vehicles will reach 45 million in 2030, more than three times the global sales in 2023 and nearly five times the output in China in 2023. The global demand for power batteries in 2030 will reach 3500GWh, more than four times that of global shipments in 2023 and five times that of China in 2023. According to the estimation of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), in order to achieve the targets of the Paris Climate Agreement, the cumulative installed capacity of global photovoltaic in 2030 needs to exceed 5400GW, which is nearly 4 times of the cumulative installed capacity in 2023 and about 9 times that of China in 2023. It is obvious that the current global production capacity of new energy products can not meet the future market demand. China's new energy products are provided for global enterprises and consumers.GunsbetcasinoA green and intelligent production and life experience has made a great contribution to dealing with global climate change and green low-carbon transformation.

Third, we should look at the development achievements of China's new energy industry objectively. There is a view that the production capacity advantage and price advantage of China's new energy products are the result of large-scale subsidies by the Chinese government. In fact, the advantages of China's new energy products are formed through full market competition and technological iterative innovation under the action of the market mechanism, relying on the huge domestic market and complete industrial system, and are the result of the continuous efforts of Chinese enterprises themselves. At the same time, it should also be noted that supporting the development of the new energy industry and the green transformation of the economy is the unanimous initiative and common practice of the international community, and all countries in the world encourage and support the development of related industries in various ways. Some countries even provide substantial subsidies to the new energy industry through legislation. for example, the US Infrastructure and Employment Act allocates US $7.5 billion to support the construction of car charging facilities, and the inflation reduction Act provides a tax credit of up to US $7500 per electric vehicle eventually assembled in North America.

Second, promoting trade protectionism on the grounds of "overcapacity" at the expense of others at the expense of oneself.


History and reality have proved that the wanton promotion of trade protectionism is not only harmful to the world economy and trade growth, but also does more harm than good to the protectionist countries themselves.

First, it is not conducive to world trade growth and economic recovery. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts that the world economy will grow by 3% this year.Gunsbetcasino0.2 per cent, well below the average of 3.8 per cent in 2000-2019; the World Trade Organisation (WTO) recently lowered its forecast for global trade growth this year from 3.3 per cent to 2.6 per cent. In this context, the politicization and security of economic and trade issues under the pretext of "overcapacity" will not help to solve the problems faced by its own industrial development, but will also further drag down the growth of global trade and the recovery of the world economy. In particular, it will seriously disrupt the stable operation of the global new energy industry chain supply chain, set "obstruction", "blocking point" and "breakpoint" to the world economic cycle, affect the efficiency of economic operation, and even induce all kinds of potential risks.

The second is to drag down the global response to climate change and promote the process of green and low-carbon transformation. In recent years, while meeting domestic demand and promoting the realization of the "double carbon" goal, China's new energy products have also made positive contributions to the global response to climate change and the realization of green and low-carbon development. In 2023, the new installed capacity of renewable energy in the world reached 510 million kilowatts, of which China contributed more than half. China has carried out cooperation with more than 100 countries and regions on green energy projects to effectively solve the problems of difficult and expensive electricity consumption. Some experts commented that if some countries and enterprises can help other countries and regions accelerate the pace of green transformation at a lower cost, shouldn't we thank them? On the one hand, they keep saying that it is their "lofty mission" to deal with global climate change, and on the other hand, they take protectionist measures on the grounds of "overcapacity" to crack down on the development of other countries' new energy industry. the act of restricting the export of new energy products from other countries is shameful, and it is also a serious damage to global efforts to deal with climate change.




