
powerballpowerplay| Lead the ESG development of the liquor industry! Zhenjiu Li Du (6979.HK) releases 2023 ESG report


On the evening of April 23, Zhenjiu Lidu Group (6979)PowerballpowerplayHK) release the Environment, Society and Governance (ESG) report 2023 to showcase the practical experience and achievements of enterprises in the field of sustainable development over the past year. The report shows that in 2023, Zhenjiu Li du responded positively to the national strategy, implemented the concept of green development of the industry, and went all out to stabilize growth, create brands, prevent risks, and take responsibility.PowerballpowerplayIt has carried out 152 ESG management promotion tasks and achieved four strategic goals of ESG in 2025 ahead of schedule.

Industry insiders pointed out that as the "second financial report" of enterprises, the ESG report has become an important index to measure the sustainable development and even the management level of enterprises. With the theme of "A Journey to ESG in a bottle of Liquor", the ESG report of Lidu 2023 organically combines corporate ESG work with the liquor value chain, sets up a model for the development of well-known liquor enterprises ESG, and highlights the connotation of the times for listed companies to shoulder social responsibility bravely.

Tap the advantages of industry and help the revitalization of the countryside

The liquor industry links the primary, secondary and tertiary industries and has the inherent advantage of integrated development. With the characteristics and advantages of multi-brand, multi-category and multi-region, Li du is committed to promoting the development of upstream and downstream industries and solving the problem of labor and employment. By 2023, Zhenjiu Lidu had nearly 7000 rural employees and purchased about 167000 tons of agricultural products.

(the old factory area of Guizhou Zhenjiu Shizi shop)

Take Zhenjiu as an example, a sorghum planting base of 400000 mu was built in 12 districts and counties under Zunyi, driving more than 40, 000 farmers to increase their income. At the same time, centering on the difficult problem of rural employment, we have provided a large number of high-quality jobs for the local areas, trained a number of technical personnel who "cannot be taken away", introduced 25 supporting packaging enterprises to Zunyi, promoted the local matching rate to reach more than 90%, and promoted the prosperity of all industries by one industry. Zhenjiu was selected as the "excellent case of Social responsibility of Private Enterprises in China in 2023".

Strengthen environmental protection and adhere to green development

A good ecological environment is the basis and guarantee of product quality. Lidu, a rare wine, practices the concept of green development and actively implements the green transformation.

In terms of production and operation, we will promote the clean and low-carbon transformation of the group through energy conservation and emission reduction measures such as technology upgrading, equipment transformation, energy management and control. In 2023, the proportion of green electricity use increased to 10.6%, the greenhouse gas emission intensity of carbon emission range 1 and 2 decreased by 22.2% compared with the same period last year, and the annual water intake intensity decreased by 24.5%. Its precious wine has won the title of "national green factory" of the Ministry of Information and Industry, and has become one of the five selected liquor enterprises.

(rare wine Li Duguang bottle wine series)

In terms of products, vigorously promote the high-end light bottle wine series products, continue to replace the non-environmentally friendly packaging materials in the products, and further increase the proportion of sustainable packaging materials to 97.5%; at the same time, vigorously promote the wine bottle recycling "turn waste into treasure" cultural creation project, a total of about 12000 wine bottles were recycled.

Uphold responsible marketing and advocate rational drinking

Li du, a rare wine, actively advocates rational drinking and a harmonious and healthy life.

In terms of marketing, carry out responsible marketing training through online and offline methods to guide dealers to understand the content and methods of responsible marketing, so that the concept of responsible marketing can be effectively landed.

In terms of advocating rational drinking, age verification is carried out on official websites, self-built Mini Program and other platforms, and prize-winning answering activities are carried out. During the National rational drinking week in 2023, rational drinking publicity was carried out in 50 stores in 7 provinces to promote the concept of rational drinking.

powerballpowerplay| Lead the ESG development of the liquor industry! Zhenjiu Li Du (6979.HK) releases 2023 ESG report

Carry out the responsibility and join the social public welfare

(dream come true ceremony of "National Treasure Li du my University Dream")

In 2023, Zhenjiu Li du actively participated in social welfare undertakings. In terms of charity and disaster relief, Li du walked into Duchang Sun Village in Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province, to send warmth to children in need. Zhenjiu donated 1 million yuan to the Zunyi Charity Federation for emergency relief in the earthquake-stricken area of Jishishan County, Gansu Province.

(2024 Xiangjiao, my college dream, the launching ceremony of the charity fund for students.)

In support of youth education, the "Xiangjiao my University Dream" charity fund donated more than 33.4 million yuan over the past six years to help 6480 students realize their dreams. The "National Treasure Li du my University Dream" charity aid fund has funded college entrance examination students to realize their dreams for five years in a row.

("Guizhou rare Wine Protection and rare" Ice Sculpture Art Commonweal activity)

In terms of protecting biodiversity, Li du contributed to the "Poyang Lake International Bird watching season" and set up the "National Treasure Lidu Public Bird watching spot"; rare Wine and Guizhou Wildlife Conservation Association held the public welfare activity of "Guizhou rare Wine Protection and rare" Ice Sculpture Art.

Comply with the development trend and support the construction of producing areas

In response to the development trend of the "producing area" of the liquor industry, Li Dushun proposed to make a negative list for the protection of the reputation of the producing area, further strengthen the construction and protection of the producing area, and create a world-class great producing area.

During the two sessions this year, Yan Tao, a deputy to the 14th National people's Congress, CEO of Lidu Group and president of Hunan Xiangjiao Wine Industry, submitted a proposal calling for supporting policies to encourage farmers to use marginal fields in mountainous and hilly areas to grow wine-making sorghum and turn marginal fields into treasures.

Adhere to people-oriented and realize value sharing

Li du, a rare wine, insists on "people-oriented". Diversity and inclusiveness have become an important part of corporate culture. Through staff skills, leadership training, smooth staff promotion mechanism, and constantly improve pay and benefits, enhance employees' sense of happiness and sense of belonging.

At the same time, Lidu continues to explore a new development model in line with the interests of dealers, suppliers, consumers, investors and employees to create a new community of values, interests and a community with a shared future.

(Li du, a rare wine, won the ESG "AA" rating of Wande in 2023)

Zhenjiu Li du's ESG practice achievements continue to be recognized by authoritative organizations. In 2023, Zhenjiu Li du was awarded an ESG "AA" rating by Wind, a financial information service provider, and was listed among the top 100 ESG Best practices of Chinese listed companies in 2023, becoming the only liquor company to win the award.

Wu Xiangdong, chairman of Zhenjiu Lidu Group, said that Zhenjiu Lidu will continue to explore the road of sustainable development, with the goal of "becoming an ESG leader in the liquor industry", unswervingly follow the road of ecological priority and green development, so that the development of enterprises will take into account ecological, social and economic benefits.