
thursdaynightpowerballresults| Zangge Mining: Supply and demand gap supports potassium chloride prices, optimizes processes to consolidate cost advantages


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thursdaynightpowerballresults| Zangge Mining: Supply and demand gap supports potassium chloride prices, optimizes processes to consolidate cost advantages

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Zangge Miningthursdaynightpowerballresults: Imbalance between supply and demand drives up potassium chloride prices

According to Zangger Mining Company, recentlythursdaynightpowerballresultsIn an institutional survey of 2000, domestic demand for potash exceeded 16 million tons. However, domestic production is close to its peak, mainly composed of large salt lakes and Zangge minerals, as well as some small enterprises, with a total output approaching 7 million tons. This mismatch between supply and demand is difficult to solve in the short term, supporting the price of potassium chloride. Zangge Mining emphasized that they will not interfere in market prices, but are committed to optimizing production processes and innovative technologies to strengthen their cost advantages and market position.