
torchrelayasiangames2018| Xiaomi enters the game strongly He Xiaopeng: Selling well now does not mean that it is strong. The automobile industry is a long-term competition


Fast Technology reported on May 21 that last night, Xiaopeng Automobile held a 520 AI DAY to introduce the latest progress of Xiaopeng's AI technology and release the new AI Tianji system. Later, Xiaopeng Automobile Chairman and CEO He Xiaopeng Autonomous Driving Li Liyun, the person in charge, accepted an interview with the media.

According to media reports, regarding Xiaopeng's possible competition with Xiaomi Automobile, He Xiaopeng said that the new energy vehicle industry has gone from blue sea to red sea and then to bloody sea.

At the same time, he also emphasized that what is selling well now does not mean that it is strong. The automobile industry is a long-term competition, not a short-term one or two months of sales.

It is worth mentioning that just a few days ago, He Xiaopeng posted a Weibo chat about his feelings about entrepreneurship in the automobile industry. He saidtorchrelayasiangames2018

Unlike Internet entrepreneurship,torchrelayasiangames2018My experience in the automotive industry is: When you are good, don't think you are too smart and powerful. When you are bad, most of the problems are actually not competition and others. The core is self-examination and PDCA.

Building a car is a long-distance race, one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake are big noes, and the pursuit of compound interest growth of polygonal warriors is a big opportunity.

torchrelayasiangames2018| Xiaomi enters the game strongly He Xiaopeng: Selling well now does not mean that it is strong. The automobile industry is a long-term competition

In addition, on Xiaopeng Automobile's AI DAY, Xiaopeng brought new AI driving agents, AI parking, etc., and said that he will achieve a smart driving experience similar to the L4 level in China next year. At the same time, He Xiaopeng also announced the new MONA series The first car, which is positioned at a class of 150,000, will be unveiled in June this year.

[End of this article] If you need to reprint it, please be sure to indicate the source: Kuaidi Technology

Editor in charge: Luo Mu