
wwwhaktutsincoinmaster2019| Where is the rear fog lamp of the 2010 Changan Yuexiang model located?


As an important means of transportation in our daily life, cars often reflect the intention of the manufacturer in the detailed design. Knowing a little bit about cars can not only increase your understanding of cars, but also come in handy in some emergencies. For example, the rear fog lamp configuration, although small, plays a vital role in driving safety in weather conditions with low visibility, such as fog, rain and snow.

wwwhaktutsincoinmaster2019| Where is the rear fog lamp of the 2010 Changan Yuexiang model located?

Rear Fog Lamp Design of Changan Yuexiang 2010

The 2010 Changan Yuexiang was a hot-selling model in the market at that time, and its design and configuration were well received by consumers. In the detail of the rear fog lamp, Changan Yuexiang also shows its exquisite side.

Position Analysis of Rear Fog Lamp

For the position of the 2010 Changan Yuexiang rear fog lamp, we should first understand the basic function of the rear fog lamp. The main function of the rear fog lamp is to remind the rear car to pay attention to the existence of the front car and avoid rear-end collision by emitting bright light in the environment with low visibility. Therefore, the position of the rear fog lamp is usually set in the lower position of the rear of the vehicle, so that the light can shine parallel to the ground as far as possible, avoiding direct exposure to the rear driver's line of sight.

The 2010 Changan Yuexiang rear fog lights are located on both sides of the rear of the vehicle, under the rear cover and on the inside of the taillight group on both sides. This design enables the light of the rear fog lamp to effectively cover the rear area and coordinate with the taillight group to maintain the aesthetics and integrity of the vehicle appearance.

Attention to the use of rear fog lamp

Although the rear fog lamp is a very practical configuration, there are some precautions to follow when using it. First of all, in clear weather or good visibility, it is not recommended to use rear fog lights, as strong light may cause glare to the rear drivers and affect driving safety. Secondly, when the visibility is low in rainy or snowy days, the rear fog lights should be turned on in time to improve the safety of driving.

How to check whether the rear fog lamp is working properly

It is also a good habit for car owners to regularly check whether the fog lights are working properly. During the inspection, you can ask another driver to observe in the back of the car, or use a reflector to confirm the condition of the rear fog light. If it is found that the fog light is not bright or not bright enough, you should go to the professional maintenance shop for inspection and maintenance in time, so as not to play its due role in emergency.


The above is the introduction of the location and related knowledge of the 2010 Changan Yuexiang rear fog lamp. By understanding these contents, car owners can make better use of the various configurations of their vehicles and improve driving safety. At the same time, the maintenance and maintenance of vehicles is also an aspect that every car owner should pay attention to. In daily life, mastering more car knowledge can make our driving experience smoother and more reassuring.

Changan Yuexiang 2010 rear fog lamp position matters needing attention the appearance design of the model is fashionable, the configuration is rich and located under the taillight cover, the inside of the taillight group on both sides is not suitable for use in sunny days, fog and snow open to improve safety inspection methods, pleaseWwwhaktutsincoinmaster2019Others observe or use the mirror to confirm coordination with the taillight group, affecting the appearance of regular inspection, to ensure that the function is normal.