


China Integrated Holdings (01027) issued an announcementSlotsitesnodepositThe company has entered into strategic cooperation with Yupai holding Group Co., Ltd. (Yupai).

The Education School is focused on promoting the science and technology and standardization of the sports and education industry.SlotsitesnodepositOne of the leading companies, its vision is to become a leader in this field. Its business scope includes technical consulting, technology development, technology transfer and technical services in the field of educational science and technology; educational software development; computer system services; and providing management services for stadiums and stadiums. Yupai has excellent technology and services to provide comprehensive solutions for valued consumers and partners. With its technological innovation and in-depth insight into the industry, Yupai has become an industry pioneer by providing a variety of comprehensive services to meet the diversified needs of customers.

The announcement said that the proposed strategic cooperation is in line with the group's long-term development goals and business development strategy. The strategic cooperation with Yupai will bring potential profit growth to both sides, which is in the overall interests of the company and its shareholders. As of the date of this announcement, the parties have not signed a formal agreement or a legally binding agreement. If any proposed transaction constitutes a notifiable transaction of the company under the listing rules, the company will issue a separate announcement in due course in accordance with the listing rules.
