


News summary

Volatility of ethylene glycol pricesmillioninnumbers, Shanxi Yangmei ethylene glycol price is 3800 yuan/tonmillioninnumbers, Jinhongshun Chemical Co., Ltd. quoted 3600 yuan/ton.

Newsletter text

[The fluctuations in market prices of ethylene glycol have increased, and the prices of brand products such as Shanxi Yangmei vary]


The market price of ethylene glycol showed significant fluctuations. According to the latest quotation information from PTA. com, product prices vary among brands and places of origin. Among them, the premium ethylene glycol products provided by Qingdao Hefeng Chemical Co., Ltd. accounted for 99millioninnumbers. 8% min, the quoted price is 3800 yuan/ton, and the delivery place is Xiangfan City, Hubei Province. The price for the same brand in Shandong Province is 3600 yuan/ton, and the delivery place is Jinan City. The price for polyester grade ethylene glycol is also 3800 yuan/ton, while the price for national grade ethylene glycol is 3700 yuan/ton, both supplied by Qingdao Hefeng Chemical Co., Ltd. In addition, Shandong Jinhongshun (603922) Chemical Co., Ltd. provides 99% of ethylene glycol at a quoted price of 3600 yuan/ton, and the origin is Shandong Province.