
dappgames|美国经济是否强劲 商界领袖和消费者感受大不同


More than 80 per cent of business leaders think the US economy is strong, but only 40 per cent of US consumers think so, according to a report released on Thursday by the Milken Institute (Milken Institute) and Harris Poll.

Business leaders are much more optimistic about dealing with recent economic instability, technological disruption and social changes than American consumers, the survey found. For example, 79% of business leaders are optimistic about the world's future, compared with 34% of consumers.

"American business leaders are optimistic about corporate strength, but for many Americans, the economic recovery is still a reality that needs to be tested at home," said John Gerzema, chief executive of Harris Poll.

The report is part of the Milken Institute's Harris Poll listening project, which aims to reveal key global and national challenges. The report covers a survey of 500 American business leaders from March 1 to 9, 2085 adults from March 1 to 3, and another 2052 adults from March 8 to 10.

According to the survey, nearly 3/4 of consumers agree with the view that "economists may say things are improving, but"DappgamesWe don't feel it in the place where we live. More than 60% of respondents said they had shelved major life decisions for the time being because of current economic uncertainty.

dappgames|美国经济是否强劲 商界领袖和消费者感受大不同

This is in line with the latest US consumer confidence data released by the World Federation of large Enterprises on Tuesday. Data show that US consumer confidence fell in April to its lowest level since mid-2022 and fell for the third consecutive month.

The Milken / Harris survey shows that emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence are the two groups' biggest concerns. Most business leaders believe that artificial intelligence, especially related security issues, is "very subversive" to their companies, so they are making a lot of financial investment.

At the same time, 6/10 of Americans believe that solutions are needed to mitigate the impact of artificial intelligence on employment. For example, 63% of consumers think that training on how to use artificial intelligence should be carried out, and 58% of consumers think that artificial intelligence education for teenagers should be invested.