
arcadeclassics| Seeing that the main bank initiated a batch of increased holdings, Guizhou Xingyi Rural Commercial Bank was allowed to increase its holdings in two rural banks. There have been at least three similar cases this year


Source: financial Union

From the perspective of supervision, it is imperative to strengthen the equity governance of small and medium-sized village banks.

This afternoon, the official website of the State Administration of Financial Supervision disclosed that it approved Guizhou Xingyi Rural Commercial Bank to increase its stake in Anlong Xinglong Village Bank and Qinglong Xingan Village Bank to more than 50% by way of transfer. A reporter from the Financial Associated Press noted that since the beginning of the year, there have been cases in which at least three agricultural and commercial banks have increased their shareholdings in village banks.

Also see the main bank to sell Guizhou Xingyi Agricultural Commercial Bank to increase its stake in two village banks.

Specifically, the Guizhou Regulatory Administration of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration disclosed today that it agreed to the transfer of 5.5 million shares of Qinglong Xingan Village Bank Co., Ltd. Held by six shareholders, including Xie Yong, Guizhou Xingyi Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. After the completion of the transfer, Guizhou Xingyi Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. held a total of 25.7 million shares in Qinglong Xingan Village Bank Co., Ltd., with a shareholding ratio of 85%.Arcadeclassics.67%.

According to another document, regulators agreed to the transfer of Anlong Xinglong Village Bank held by Xie Yong and other seven shareholders of Guizhou Xingyi Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.

6.8 million shares in a joint stock limited company. After the completion of the transfer, Guizhou Xingyi Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. held a total of 22.1 million shares in Anlong Xinglong Village Bank, with a shareholding ratio of 73.Arcadeclassics.66%.

According to the public report of the Financial Associated Press, Guizhou Xingyi Rural Commercial Bank is the main initiator of Qinglong Xingan Village Bank and Anlong Xinglong Village Bank. This means that Guizhou Xingyi Rural Commercial Bank has increased its shareholding in two village banks by way of transfer, and further strengthened its control.

Since the beginning of the year, the supervision of mass increase of at least three agricultural and commercial banks emphasizes that the village bank should be led by the main initiating bank.

Today, a reporter from the Financial Associated Press found that since the beginning of the year, there have been a number of cases in which the main initiating bank has increased its shareholding in its village banks, but the phenomenon of mass increase like Guizhou Xingyi Rural Commercial Bank is also rare, only about 3. One of the rarer is Zhejiang Longwan Agricultural Bank, which sold twice in January and March, increasing the number of its village banks by a total of five.

Specifically, on January 10, the regulatory website disclosed that Zhejiang Wenzhou Lucheng Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. agreed to increase its stake in four village banks, including Changshun Fumin Village Bank, Nayong Fumin Village Bank, Dafang Fumin Village Bank, Jinsha Fumin Village Bank, and so on, by means of transfer. After the transaction, the shareholding ratio is more than 50%. Judging from the details of the transaction, Lucheng Agricultural Bank had previously been the main sponsor of the four banks.

On January 29th, the regulatory website disclosed that Zhejiang Wenzhou Longwan Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. was agreed to be transferred to Guangdong Guanghua Tianyu Investment Co., Ltd. Guangdong Guanghua Tianyu Investment Co., Ltd. held 11 million shares of Yingtan Yuehu Hengtong Village Bank. After the transfer, the shareholding proportion of Zhejiang Wenzhou Longwan Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. increased to 51%.ArcadeclassicsAgree with Zhejiang Wenzhou Longwan Rural Commercial Bank to transfer 4 million shares of Hengfeng Hengtong Village Bank held by Jiangxi Meizhi Technology Co., Ltd. After the transfer, the shareholding proportion of Zhejiang Wenzhou Longwan Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. increased to 52.7%.

On March 1, the regulatory reply agreed that Zhejiang Wenzhou Longwan Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. was transferred to 5.5 million shares of Poyang Hengtong Village Bank held by Sun Mingwei and other 10 natural shareholders. After the transfer, the shareholding proportion of Longwan Rural Commercial Bank in Wenzhou, Zhejiang increased from 40% to 51%.ArcadeclassicsAgree with Zhejiang Wenzhou Longwan Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. to accept the 5.45 million shares of Jiujiang Hengtong Village Bank held by five natural person shareholders, including Jiangxi Jiucheng Industrial Co., Ltd. And Li Cheng, after the transfer, the proportion of shares held by Zhejiang Wenzhou Longwan Rural Commercial Bank increased from 40% to 50.9%. It is agreed that Zhejiang Wenzhou Longwan Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. was transferred to 7.9695 million shares of Yugan Hengtong Village Bank held by Zhang Xinyi and other natural person shareholders. after the transfer, the proportion of shares held by Zhejiang Wenzhou Longwan Rural Commercial Bank increased from 40% to 51%.

arcadeclassics| Seeing that the main bank initiated a batch of increased holdings, Guizhou Xingyi Rural Commercial Bank was allowed to increase its holdings in two rural banks. There have been at least three similar cases this year

A reporter from the Financial Associated Press noted that at the beginning of this year, when deeply studying and implementing the spirit of the Central Financial work Conference, the Supervision Department of Rural small and medium-sized Banks of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration said that we should comprehensively strengthen the supervision responsibility of small and medium-sized rural banks and promote the reform of rural small and medium-sized banks into chemical insurance and promote high-quality development. Strengthen the supervision of corporate governance of village banks, enhance the proportion of shares held by the main initiator, and establish a corporate governance mechanism led by the main bank.