
friendsbingohall| JPMorgan Asia Pacific CEO: China is too big to be ignored, investors "must do business there"


Topic: JPMorgan Chase's 20th Global China Summit

[World Wide Web Reporter Zhang Xiaoya] According to a report by the US Consumer News and Business Channel (CNBC), Sjoerd Leenart, CEO of JPMorgan Asia Pacific, held at JPMorgan's 20th Global China Summit in Shanghai, China on the 23rd. He told CNBC reporters that China, whose economic aggregate has become the world's second largest country, is too big to be marginalized and investors "must do business there."

"This is a very important place." Li Shengde told CNBC that JPMorgan Chase is still investing in China.

friendsbingohall| JPMorgan Asia Pacific CEO: China is too big to be ignored, investors "must do business there"

Reported that based on purchasing power parity exchange rates, China currently accounts for 18% and 48% of global and Asian GDP respectively.

"You can't ignore it, you have to do business there, and even if you decide not to do business there, you need to understand what is happening," Li Shengde added that what happens in China "affects every industry in the world."

"If China doesn't work, Asian banking will never grow at full speed." Li Shengde said investors want to see more signs of economic recovery. In the past few years, China's economy has been dragged down by the real estate industry. Li Shengde said,"friendsbingohallI think investors have been encouraged by the early signs."

CNBC said that China remains the largest trading partner of more than 120 countries (regions). Li Shengde said,"I think (China) has a lot of things to sell to the world, and these products are needed all over the world."friendsbingohallHe added that he sees many opportunities in China.

"We (JPMorgan operations) have been here for 103 years. Therefore, when we see China, we will have a very long-term perspective, and we will continue to be here in the next 100 years." Li Shengde said.