
segaoasys| "God's prophecy" reappears, and Leiko's defense has a daily limit! company responded


thematicsegaoasys: Nanjing Chemical Fiber's one-word limit and Shanghai Stock Exchange reported the verification status: Trading in relevant accounts was suspended for 15 days

Author: Dong Tian

segaoasys| "God's prophecy" reappears, and Leiko's defense has a daily limit! company responded

Following Nanjing Chemical Fiber and Zhongtong Bus, Leike Defense was also "prophesied". Some investors mentioned in the Straight Flush Stock Bar that performances should be performed on time at 10 o'clock. On the same day, the company closed the daily limit at around 10 o'clock. As of the close, the company's share price closed at 4.segaoasys.6 yuan/share, closing up 10segaoasys.05%。

Regarding the above matters, the staff of Reco's Defense Securities Department responded exclusively to a reporter from China Securities Journal: "The company is concerned about the daily limit. However, for the stock barsegaoasysThe company was unaware of the rumors. Everything in the company's production and operation is normal, and there have been no major changes in fundamentals."

It is worth noting that the accurate predictions of Nanjing Chemical Fiber, Zhongtong Bus and Reco Defense all came from straight flush stocks. In response, a staff member of the Tonghuashun Securities Department told a reporter from China Securities Journal that the company has a review mechanism for the remarks made in the stock bar.