
baccaratcoffee| Rural marriage survey: One person gets married and the whole family is borrowing, triggering the phenomenon of "phobia" and "non-marriage"


In recent yearsBaccaratcoffeeThe cost of marriage is rising in some rural areas of China, and traditional customs such as betrothal gifts have gradually evolved into a family burden. According to a survey conducted by the China Rural Governance Research Center of Wuhan University, the average amount of betrothal gifts in China in 2021 is about 140000 yuan. In some areas, the poorer the husband's family is, the heavier the burden is. At the same time, the divorce rate in rural areas is on the rise, young couples become the main force of divorce, and the stability and harmony of the family are facing challenges.

baccaratcoffee| Rural marriage survey: One person gets married and the whole family is borrowing, triggering the phenomenon of "phobia" and "non-marriage"

High-priced betrothal gifts, real estate and cars have become standard for marriage, causing many families to take on heavy debts for their children's weddings. The bride price in Tai'an County, Anshan City, Liaoning Province has risen from 50, 000 to 80, 000 yuan to about 150000 yuan in 10 years, while the marriage cost of the husband's family in Chengwu County, Heze City, Shandong Province is often more than 1 million yuan. This kind of high-cost marriage not only aggravates social anxiety, but also leads to the phenomenon of "fear of marriage" and "non-marriage".

With the advance of urbanization and the change of social psychology, the yearning of rural youth for urban life leads them to seek "one step in place" economic security through high bride price. In addition, the gender imbalance also makes betrothal gifts go up. However, this high-cost marriage culture is not without solutions. Some local governments have begun to take measures, such as Juye County in Shandong Province, to advocate betrothal gifts of no more than 60,000 yuan, in order to curb the trend of betrothal gifts.

In addition to high-cost marriages, divorce in rural areas can also not be ignored. The universalization of divorce and the trend of younger divorce groups have an impact on family structure and social stability. The growth problems of single-parent left-behind children, the increase of family financial burden and the increase of the risk of extreme events are all social problems brought about by the rising divorce rate.

In order to meet these challenges, experts suggest that premarital education and marriage guidance need to be strengthened to improve the sense of marital responsibility of young couples. At the same time, we should improve the pluralistic dispute resolution mechanism and give full play to the role of mass autonomous organizations, township judicial offices, and people's mediation committees in handling conflicts between husband and wife. For single-parent left-behind children, the relevant departments should implement the support and security policy to reduce the negative impact of the lack of parents.

At present, the problems of high cost of marriage and high divorce rate in rural areas need to be paid close attention to and solved by all sectors of society. Through policy guidance, education promotion and social governance, it is expected to gradually improve this situation and promote the harmony and stability of the rural society.