
seagamesfootballvietnam| Allocation of return on corporate equity investment: An effective method for allocating return on corporate equity investment


Investment return Distribution of html Company: an effective method of Investment return Distribution of Company Investment

In the field of modern business, corporate equity investment has become an important means for enterprises to expand the market and make profits. However, how to distribute the return on investment reasonably is a common concern of investors and management of the company. This paper will explore several effective investment return distribution methods to help investors and companies achieve win-win results.

seagamesfootballvietnam| Allocation of return on corporate equity investment: An effective method for allocating return on corporate equity investment

I. the method of proportional distribution of shares

The method of proportional distribution of shares is a common method of distribution of return on investment, that is, according to the proportion of shares held by investors in the company. This method is simple and clear.SeagamesfootballvietnamEasy to operate, suitable for most companies.

Example: suppose company A has 1 million shares, and investor A holds 20% shares, that is, 200000 shares. If the annual net profit of the company is 10 million yuan, investor A can get an investment return of 2 million yuan.

Investor share ratio net profit investment return A 20% 10 million yuan 2 million B investor 30% 10 million yuan 3 million yuan

Second, the method of distribution according to fixed proportion

The fixed proportion distribution method means that the investor and the company agree on the distribution proportion of the investment return in advance, which is not affected by the company's profit. This method is suitable for high-risk investment projects and can reduce the income fluctuation of investors.

III. Distribution according to performance objectives

The method of allocation according to performance objectives allocates the return on investment according to the performance goals achieved by the company. The company can set different performance targets, and the income exceeding the target can be allocated to investors in a higher proportion to encourage the company to improve its performance.

IV. Comprehensive consideration

In practice, the company can comprehensively consider the above methods and formulate an appropriate investment return distribution scheme according to the actual situation. For example, a basic pro rata method can be set, and performance targets can be set at the same time, and the income exceeding the target can be distributed in a fixed proportion.

Note: when formulating the distribution plan of investment return, the company should fully consider the interests of all parties, ensure that the distribution scheme is fair and reasonable, and avoid unnecessary disputes caused by unfair distribution.

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