
twinspinfreeplay| Ji Keliang: Moutai has gone through five difficult periods in 60 years. Only by doing a good job in quality, culture and service can we cross the cycle. Guizhou Liquor Roundtable


Theme: 2024 Guizhou Liquor Enterprise Development Roundtable

"Maintain integrity and innovate to jointly protect Guizhou liquor brands, and gather wisdom and strength to expand advantageous industrial clusters." From May 26 to 27, the 2024 Guizhou Liquor Enterprise Development Roundtable was held at Moutai International Hotel. As an important annual meeting to review and plan the development of Guizhou liquor industry, the Guizhou Liquor Enterprise Development Roundtable has attracted much attention from the industry.

At the meeting, Ji Keliang, a Chinese winemaker and consultant of the Guizhou Province Liquor Industry Development Promotion Association, gave a keynote sharing.

Ji Keliang said that from 2018 to the present, the roundtable forum has been heldtwinspinfreeplayIn the past six sessions, it has witnessed the development of Guizhou liquor output value from less than 100 billion yuan to more than 130 billion yuan. During this process, the roundtable forum has become a platform and window to promote industry development and promote industry exchanges.

2024 is the 60th year that Ji Keliang has entered Kweichow Moutai Distillery. According to his recollection, 60 years ago, Moutai's production capacity was only more than 200 tons and its sales revenue was less than 1 million yuan. Today, Moutai has grown into an important supporting force for Guizhou's economic development. "In the past 60 years, Moutai has gone through five difficult periods, but in each period, Moutai has taken the initiative to survive and come through."

twinspinfreeplay| Ji Keliang: Moutai has gone through five difficult periods in 60 years. Only by doing a good job in quality, culture and service can we cross the cycle. Guizhou Liquor Roundtable

Ji Keliang said that currently, Guizhou and even Chinese liquor is entering a period of deep adjustment. In this special period, the industry must have confidence to do a good job in wine-making, improve culture and service. Only by adhering to quality can we cross the cycle.

In Ji Keliang's view, the development of Guizhou liquor has multiple benefits and still has broad prospects in the future. At the beginning of 2022, the State Council issued New Guofa Document No. 2, which clearly stated that we should give full play to the advantages of the origin and main production area of Maotai-flavor liquor in the Chishui River Basin to build an important liquor production base in the country. At the same time, this year's Guizhou Province government work report has repeatedly mentioned the development of the wine industry, once again enhancing its status as the leading wine producing area. From the overall perspective of the industry, in 2023, the added value of industries above designated size in the province will increase by 5% in the previous yeartwinspinfreeplay.9%, of which liquor increased by 6.5%. The scale, revenue and profit of Guizhou liquor all showed a trend of counter-trend growth in the industry; in Renhuai producing area, there are 12 liquor production companies with a production capacity of more than 5000 tons; Based on these factors, the development future of Guizhou liquor is full of confidence.

Finally, Ji Keliang proposed that we must pass on the craftsmanship of Maotai-flavor and ensure good quality. We must be upright and innovative, and gather wisdom and strength. We must adhere to the bottom line of quality, adhere to ecological priority and green development, work together to warm up, and jointly safeguard the business cards of production areas. Create a Guizhou liquor industry cluster led by Moutai.