
60freespinsnodeposit| Qu Jing, Vice President of Baidu: She resigned due to the Short Video incident and was labeled as "resigned"


Newsletter summary

Jing Jing has left Baidu.60freespinsnodepositPrior to the disturbance caused by a personal short video. In Baidu's internal system, Wei Jing was marked as "resigned" and sincerely apologized to netizens and promised to improve communication and management methods.

Text of news flash

[Baidu Vice President Zhi Jing's resignation draws market attention] after the short video incident, Baidu Vice President Luo Jing was confirmed to leave on May 9. According to thepaper.cn, the news has been confirmed in Baidu's internal system, and Jing Jing has been labeled as "resigned". Xiao Jing posted on moments and deeply apologized for the public disturbance caused by her short video. She blamed herself by admitting that she did not consult the company before releasing the video and did not represent the company's position. At the same time, Jing Jing said that her original intention was to improve work efficiency, but the improper method caused inconvenience to everyone, and promised to make serious improvements. Ms. Jing's departure could have an impact on Baidu's market image and share price. The market is highly sensitive to executive changes, especially in the wake of the storm. Investors need to keep a close eye on Baidu's developments and assess its impact on the company's finance and strategy. Whether Jing Jing's departure will lead to Baidu's strategic adjustment is worthy of further market observation.

60freespinsnodeposit| Qu Jing, Vice President of Baidu: She resigned due to the Short Video incident and was labeled as "resigned"